2009年7月29日 星期三

[每日送好康]0728:每天免費送商業軟體Personal Finances Pro

平時,網路上逛著逛著閒逛時,無意間逛到一個好康網站:【Giveaway of the Day】,每天限時贈送一套商業軟體,迄今仍為間斷過~今天,就為大家推薦一套還蠻值得使用的個人數位錢包 Personal Finances Pro

Giveaway of the Day - Personal Finances Pro

Personal Finances
July 28, 2009Personal Finances is an elegant, easy, yet technically advanced personal finance manager. Putting budget tracking on auto-pilot, the program will help users to track income, expenses and cut back on unnecessary purchases. The program will also help users to track expected income, spendings and see how much money the user will have at any date in the future. Personal Finances is portable and can run from the USB flash drive.

價值 US$34.95
檔案 3.5MB
平台 Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista 英文版
下載 Download Personal Finances Pro now

Mirror link #1

只有 24小時時間,有需要的朋友,下載玩玩吧
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