2009年8月12日 星期三

[每日送好康]0812:每天免費送商業軟體Paragon Partition Manager 9.5 Professional

平時,網路上逛著逛著閒逛時,無意間逛到一個好康網站:【Giveaway of the Day】,每天限時贈送一套商業軟體,迄今仍未間斷過~今天,就為大家推薦一套還蠻值得使用的磁碟分割管理程式Paragon Partition Manager 9.5 Professional

Paragon Partition Manager 9.5 Professional (English Version)

With growing hard drive capacity, the need to reasonably split up the space is more important than ever. Paragon Software's easy-to-use partitioning tool is optimal for re-structuring your hard disk for effective data storage. Improve your PC's performance on-demand without having to re-install your operating system and software applications.
  • Fairly easy to use – simple on screen wizards to guide you through each task
  • Can create, expand, resize, merge, delete, undelete, copy, hide, unhide, rename (label and letter), and defrag partitions.
  • Full support for Windows (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS) and Linux (EXT2, EXT3, ReiserFS) and limited support for Mac (HFS+) formats for partitions.

Download Paragon Partition Manager 9.5 Professional (English Version) 32bit

Download Paragon Partition Manager 9.5 Professional (English Version) 64bit

截至發稿為止大約還有 16小時的時間可以免費下載這套好用的商業軟體,有需要的朋友們~請逕自把握時間,自行取用囉 ...
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